Asking for accommodations can be challenging. Even though part of my job is to teach adults with disabilities how they should ask for reasonable accommodations in the workplace, I sometimes struggle with finding the right balance between graciousness, assertiveness and general education in my own experience. I live in the tension between just wanting things to be accessible immediately, and then knowing that accessibility will not happen until I speak about the need, and allow myself to be vulnerable to the possibility of disclosing my disability during the process.
Asking for accommodations can be challenging. Even though part of my job is to teach adults with disabilities how they should ask for reasonable accommodations in the workplace, I sometimes struggle with finding the right balance between graciousness, assertiveness and general education in my own experience. I live in the tension between just wanting things to be accessible immediately, and then knowing that accessibility will not happen until I speak about the need, and allow myself to be vulnerable to the possibility of disclosing my disability during the process.
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